Friday 5 July 2013

How to improve your memory

Below i am stating few tips that can really help you to remember things more effectively.

1. Do meditation regularly: One of the best thing that you can do for your brain is meditation, meditation imparts a very good effect on your brain, it makes your mind relaxed and increases your power of recalling things. Meditation works as a tonic to brain.
2. Pay attention: One of biggest reason behind why we forget some things so easily is that we do not pay proper attention to some things. So, in order to learn things we should first have to listen them carefully. We just hear things but not listen to them. There is a world of difference between hearing and listening, we hear things all the time even when we are in sleep we still can hear things its an involuntary action it doesn't require efforts while on the other hand listening is a voluntary action which requires proper attention and focus.

3. Do mental exercises: Most of the things which we see in nature are reduced by using them but in contrast to this our mind is a machine which enhances its power the more we use it. So, start using your brain and try doing mental exercises such as sudoku and puzzles .

4. Learn to relate things: Why some people can learn things so easily? and why some people can't learn things even after making efforts. The reason behind this stays in the way they learn things one way is just to cram things, which isn't good at all, because you are surely going to forget your crammed things after a little time however there is an another way of learning things, and the way is learning things by relating them to each other, things learned from this method stays in mind for a longer time than that of cramming things.
5. Proper revision: Even if you learn things with proper attention, after some time you start to forget things and the way to avoid this from happening is to do proper revision, revision from time to time till that thing doesn't gets to your permanent memory from your temporary or short term memory.

6: Learn to visualize things: Another way to remembering things is to remember them by visualising them because our brain catches and remember visual things easily than that of just text.

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