Saturday 13 July 2013

Top 10 Remedies for High blood pressure

High blood pressure or Hypertension is one of the world's commonest illness, generally if you got it for once, you will have to suffer with it forever. It hardly shows any symptoms, but one can get idea of it, if he starts feeling fatigue & headache without any visible reasons. Developing high blood pressure is really dangerous as it increases your chances of getting a stroke or some kidney diseases. Obese people are at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure.  

What is high blood pressure?
It is a term given to, when pressure in your arteries(which carries blood to & from the heart) exceeds a certain level.

Remedies for high blood pressure.
1. Reduce consumption of salt from your diet: Eat foods which have less salt content in them, avoid salty chips and other such food items which have high salt content in them.
2. Avoid spicy and oily food: The reason behind avoiding spicy food is that, it has lots of salt in it and reason behind avoiding oily food is that, it increases one's weight.
3. Do meditation on regular basis: Meditation has numerous benefits along with keeping your blood pressure normal by calming your mind.
4. Avoid alcoholic drinks: There are many potential hazards of drinking alcohol in addition with increasing blood pressure. So, one should have to avoid drinking alcohol to maintain his blood pressure.
5. Do exercise regularly: Just start doing some physical exercises for a week and see the differences in your blood pressure  before and after.
6. Maintain your body weight: Its been seen in many cases, often blood pressure increases with increase in weight. So, one should maintain his weight in order to maintain right blood pressure.
7. Eat a diet rich in potassium: Potassium helps in keeping your blood pressure normal, it helps our kidneys to work them properly.
So, one should eat foods which have good potassium content in them like banana.
8. Avoid smoking: Along with other harmful effects of smoking, it also increases one's blood pressure and increases the risk of heart diseases.
9. Eat Cinnamon: Now, it has been proved by various researches that  eating cinnamon on daily basis helps in reducing blood pressure and diabetes.
10. Eat fenugreek seeds:  It is one of the most effective method of reducing blood pressure, all you need to do is, just make powder of these seeds and take this powder twice a day in morning and evening with water on empty stomach.

1 comment:

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